Wuolah Notes - How it works and opinions

Who has not ever needed the notes of a subject or the syllabus to be able to study the exam on duty? No more looking for a colleague to pass them on to you, understand their handwriting, abbreviations, etc. The solution to all this is called Wuolah.

The Wuolah platform emerged a long time ago, through which University students download the notes of their Faculty and the course in question for free. In addition, the application financially rewards students who upload material, for downloads made of the material provided.


How does Wuolah work?

Since the beginning of Wuolah, there have been many students who have been interested in participating and being part of the web, both to upload and to download the necessary notes of the subjects. Every time the community is bigger and Wuolah today presents surprising numbers.

  • More than 2 million notes downloads
  • More than 500.000 files uploaded
  • More than 100.000 registered students


The first thing you have to do is make the relevant registration, either with an email account and password, or using your Facebook profile to enter. Once these steps are done, they give you a link to promote your account, tell your colleagues either on Twitter or WhatsApp and make your notes known.

So you can earn money with the downloads they make of the uploaded files, as long as they are registered on the platform, an essential requirement to be able to do so.

To make use of and be able to enjoy this service and its notes, you must know how each of the characteristics of this website is defined in order to be able to take full advantage of the free download of notes.

You should also know that in order to upload notes for a subject, apart from being registered, the more quality, content and endorsement they have, the higher your income can be and therefore greater will be your earnings.

We are now going to tell in a simple way the most basic services and characteristics of the Wuolah platform.

  1. Services: Wuolah offers a service for the exchange of notes and study materials created by the students themselves for free exchange between users. In its section 'The use of our Services' you can find more information about those services.
  2. Contents: they are class materials, notes, summaries, examples of test resolution, etc. of an academic nature that "Subidores" upload and host in the services so that users can download and use them.
  3. Climbers (as defined by the Wuolah website itself): they are the users who upload and store content in the services so that they are available to other Users. In accordance with the provisions of the conditions and in the corresponding sections of their services, the "uploads" will receive a consideration based on the number of downloads made of the Contents that they have hosted on said services.
  4. Users: are the users who freely download the Contents without any price or cost. WUOLAH reserves the right to change the gratuitousness of the services at any time, giving timely notice of the changes in these conditions.
  5. Advertisers: they are the companies, people or any organization that pays a price to WUOLAH so that their advertising is inserted in the downloadable content and to which the Users can have access.

How to upload notes?

When a student is interested in uploading notes and is registered, they must click on "Add files".

You will have to fill in a form in which the title, the teacher appear and if you add any observation your file uploads will gain in value. The more information you offer, the more trust it generates and the more downloads it will have.

In addition, the documents function as physical support for the insertion of company advertising. Its advertiser system is segmented by zones in the cities of the main Spanish universities, so that small businesses gain visibility and reach their target audience directly.

How long does it take to receive your balance or check from Amazon?

Each student who decides to join in uploading their notes receives a compensation that it depends on several factors:

  1. First, the format: Only notes that are 'uploaded' in PDF format are paid because it is the only one to which advertising can be inserted.
  2. It also depends on the number of pages —Obviously, the higher the number of pages, the more balance, so a short document with many downloads can generate less balance than a longer one but with fewer downloads.
  3. De what the advertiser pays: "Not all advertisers pay the same to appear on the pages of the notes", they point out on the page itself.

The maximum term to receive your balance in Paypal is thirty days from the withdrawal request and twenty days in the case of the Amazon check. Regarding donations, Wuolah accumulates everything donated annually and makes a one-time payment to Educo at the end of the year.

The money to be received for each download depends on the characteristics of the document, such as the format and size, and consequently on the advertising it contains. For example, a PDF file with many pages will present much more advertising. The downloads will add balance to the Wuolah student's account.

User reviews and ratings

According to an interview carried out in the media with the creators of the platform, they indicate that a Pharmacy student achieved 600 euros in a few months. «Before, people asked for them and now it is they who advertise on networks that are already available. There are students who take it as a job.

Asked about the question of whether these initiatives reduce sacrifice, Ruiz argues that just the opposite happens: «What we reduce is time. But our brand is centered around the idea that we reward the effort of taking good notes. We do not want them to only feed on our portal but to use it to complement it. Here the students rate the quality of each topic and, in that case, the valued is also rewarded, since their notes appear before those of the rest ».

For what we have been able to see on Twitter, its users are very grateful, since the possibility of accessing quality and accurate notes helps and in what way the student in his struggle to pass the subjects, and to be able to obtain the coveted university degree of the race.

The project, which was born a few years ago, has a notable activity in mind on social networks. You can follow it, both in its Facebook, As in Twitter, without forgetting that they also have Instagram where they promote contests, offers and announce news about their website.

They even spent an April Fool's day on the "Holy Innocents" day, announcing a total closure, which caused a great stir among its users, although happily it was only a joke.

How to install the Wyolah Apuntes app

You have the application available in the Google Play Store, although its evaluation is not very good, since it only has a 2,9 star rating, and its users are scarce and complain about errors and how rough it can get to be the app.

Anyway, we leave you its direct link to download so you can take a look at it and contribute your experience.

Wuolah: Notes & Education
Wuolah: Notes & Education
Developer: Wuolah
Price: Free

Knowing its history

The creators of the platform are young and innovative people who had the idea of ​​bringing together in a single website the notes of the University in Spain, later it has been expanded to Mexico and Italy, with the help of the Minerva Program, a project of the Junta de Andalucía and Vodafone to promote technology-based projects.

  •  Wuolah is one of the five Minerva Projects funded with € 30.000 from the 2015 call.
  • Startup selected in the third edition of Lanzadera.
  • Invested by Marbella Tech Angels, SOPREA, Enisa and TartecFund for a value of one million euros.

Its creators are:

  • Jaime Quintero Rodriguez He studied Industrial Engineering and has experience in web development and training in internet advertising. He is the CEO of wuolah and the one in charge of programming. He started with the platform and later the rest of the partners joined:
  • Enrique Ruiz Galan He is a Graduate in Management and Public Administration, with courses in digital marketing. He is the one in charge of communication and public relations of the company.
  • Francisco Jose Martinez Benitez He is a graduate in Finance and Accounting leads the administrative and accounting organization of wuolah. In addition, he dedicates part of his time to attracting new clients.
  • Francisco Javier Ruiz Fernandez He is an Industrial Engineer with programming knowledge. Javier is in charge of maintaining certain parts of the website and attracting new clients.
  • Luis Lopez Rodriguez He is a Graduate in Advertising and Public Relations. Specialized in graphic design, he takes the design of all corporate material as well as creatives for its advertisers.
  • Lastly, Manuel Gonzalez Ribera He is a Graduate in Advertising and Public Relations and trained in Social Media that nurtures content social networks.

Wuolah Staff and Equipment

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  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
  3. Legitimation: Your consent
  4. Communication of the data: The data will not be communicated to third parties except by legal obligation.
  5. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.

      geanina said

    Nothing for free! First ... you have to be honest!